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Almost 80,000 users, over 2 million rehearsals, hundreds of thousands of scripts, and thousands and thousands of jobs booked on set and on stage.
Rehearsal 2 took the acting world by storm, becoming the industry standard for learning your lines, exploring your characters and scenes and finding more work.
And Rehearsal® Pro is rocking the acting world again.
I love this app! Since 99% of the time I use it is in the car during my daily commute, I especially appreciate the car mode.
I’d like to make one suggestion for the car mode for future updates—can you please add a next and back button so that the user can easily go to the next line or monologue in the script? As it currently works, these requires exiting from car mode.
Can we get this on our macs too? I’ve been using this app for years and it’s the best one out there.
Hi Rehearsal Pro,
I’m thinking about getting this app, but I want to make sure that I can record lines in Japanese. Is this possible on this app?
Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.